Hi, I'm Ridam


  • B.Tech|Computer Science

    Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology,Bhopal

    • 9.22 CGPA
    • 9.09 SGPA - 1st sem
    • 9.35 SGPA - 2nd sem

  • School

    S.R. International Academy, Nadbai, Bharatpur

    • 93.8% - 12th boards
    • 95.5% - 10th Boards

About me

I'm Ridam Gupta. I'm a Sophomore B.Tech student at Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal. I am currently in Vision CSE Team 2022,the official technical society of MANIT, Bhopal. I'am a technology enthusiast and a hardworking and punctual individual with good management skills and always eager to explore new technologies to improve my skillset.

My Skills

My Hobbies

Contact me

Ward No. 19, Jagdamba Colony,Alwar, Rajasthan, 321606

